Tuesday, September 25, 2007

A Visit to Tijuana


The separation wall

Where nations end

Our hosts Cathie and Lynn on the edge

At least this piece of junk has some use.

Famous Boggie Boarders in Tijuana



Local residents at west end of Mexico/US wall

Marbled Godwit, Limosa fedoa

Willet, Catotrophorus semipalmatus

Willet with Heermann's Gull, Larus heermanni

Monday, September 24, 2007

Responding to clichés of corporate militarist propaganda, part 1

“Freedom Is Not Free.”

Indeed, freedom is power, and does not seem freely available in society.

Freedom isn’t free; it must be ripped from the grasping, greedy clutches of the oppressor.

Yet freedom must be free in the sense that no one can be allowed to hoard it for themselves alone. It belongs to all people, and only exists (that is, is only realized) when it is shared.

Freedom isn’t free. It has two costs. The first is the struggle to eliminate the despotic, militaristic system of oppression that enslaves and blinds us all. The second is to eliminate the despot and the bigot in our heart that clutches wealth, ranks people and erects walls of separation between us.

Freedom isn’t free. But we are – free to create it.

Sunday, September 2, 2007



When presences of spirits descend to Earth from Heaven, they move to Places and inhabit them.


A presence of a spirit may find, enter and join with a creature.

Understory at Farmer Creek