Friday, October 28, 2016

Sculpture/Poem (A)

   These are prototypes or mock-ups of various things.
   This first one relates to the journey of the Dreamboat, a method of communication between spirits.
The idea originated in a playing piece or card in a spirit-related game -
There are actually two poems because a sail in this type of sculpture is flat and two-sided. There is a problem side and a hope side.

How can I comprehend
  A world so wide as this?
My foot falls,
and the dust settles
behind me.
Every drop, every torrent
returns to the sea.
This seascape, this cloudscape,
  this swirling turbulence
    stretches on forever.
How can any place be set?
How can a being such as I -
  be defined -
amidst this storm?

What seas did we travel
within our dreams?
  What were those things,
those beings, we saw?

  Not only out of my imaginings,
  my heart, my desire -
 But manifestations of other minds,
  so real that they were real.

The Dreamboat carries a cargo
of spirits’ notions
made substantial
  by our connections
even over great distances
and imposing gulfs.


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Understory at Farmer Creek